Saturday, January 27, 2007

Upcoming Subjects

I've resisted the temptation long enough. Time to fight back with words. I live a good life and have little to complain about, but I think a little can be gained by speaking above the din. Being unafraid to speak candidly can lead to either good or bad. I hope I can bring some good to this space.

My current perspective comes from living in greater Los Angeles, but I'm an outsider here. I'm not beholden to the local view that nothing else exists beyond the ocean and mountains that surround us. While many outside this area deride the way of California, it's truly a great place. There are more kinds of people here than anywhere else on earth. This provides much fodder for a wide perspective on life.

This column will highlight what comes from this life. Stay tuned - keep posted for rants and raves, kudos and compliments for the good and bad that life shoots across our bow.

people places things quotes news olds movies tv music business planes trains automobiles

Whatever happens - we'll pick it apart into a slice of life. Hope you enjoy. Tell us what you do and don't!

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